Welcome to the Blog

We're Brandon and Tracey, a creative duo who specialize in handcrafted films and photography for weddings and high school seniors. Oh and, we just so happen to be married!






Mary and Nate; goodness, where do I start? First off, just look at them! They are such a gorgeous couple and are both so kind to everyone they come into contact with. And, Nate’s boys are so handsome! I can’t believe how much they’ve grown. (Brandon used to work with Nate years ago, so it’s […]


Mary + Nate | Brasenhill Mansion | Lebanon, PA Engagement Photographer

Did you know that roughly 6 million proposals will take place this Valentine’s Day?! Yes, you ready that correctly. 6 MILLION. That’s crazy, right? This literally makes my heart happy to know that so many couples in love will be celebrating this V-Day by becoming engaged! With that said, I would absolutely LOVE to offer […]

Wedding Planning

Happy Valentine’s Day from Tracey Krick Photography!

Amanda + Kyle met through mutual friends of theirs. They became friends before they started dating and got to know each other better. This past June was 4 years of dating for them, and now they’re getting MARRIED! Each year they try to plan a trip to Virginia Beach after Thanksgiving. They went on their […]


Amanda + Kyle | Cornwall Inn | Lebanon, PA Engagement Photographer