Mary and Nate; goodness, where do I start? First off, just look at them! They are such a gorgeous couple and are both so kind to everyone they come into contact with. And, Nate’s boys are so handsome! I can’t believe how much they’ve grown. (Brandon used to work with Nate years ago, so it’s extra special for us to be working their wedding together!)
Nate asked Mary to marry him while they (including the boys) were vacationing in Ocean City, NJ, this past summer; June 13th to be exact. A beach proposal must have been so dreamy!
They will be getting married on June 29th, 2018 at the Cork Factory Hotel in Lancaster. Their colors will be navy, blush, and gold; a perfect combination! Mary is going to be such a stunning bride! Oh, I can’t wait!
Congratulations, Mary and Nate (and boys)! Thanks so much for having Brandon and I capture your love!