When I heard that Jenna and Kirk got engaged over Christmas, I was so excited for them! They make such an adorable couple, and if I’m not mistaken, my sister takes partial credit for them meeting. Haha! Jenna, Stacey, and myself were the three amigos and always hung out together. I wish it could still be like that, but we all live almost an hour apart. Boo! That’s why I cherish the moments that we’re all able to get together for dinner or shopping.
Jenna is one of my closest friends. We grew up and graduated high school together. I remember us writing novels in our yearbooks back and forth, and study hall memories that I won’t go into detail about. LOL! Cruising in the ‘stang’ and sneaking it out at 3:00 in the morning while my grandparents were both asleep. We were so rebellious! I was probably somewhat of a bad influence on sweet, sweet Jenna.
I was happy and thankful to have Jenna in my wedding 7+ years ago, and now I’ll be celebrating her day with her and Kirk and all of their wonderful friends and family members. I’m so excited to be capturing their day for them! What an honor it will be.
Enjoy this season of engagement, you two! September 24th will be here in a flash. Love you lots, JL! 😉Would you just look at that ring? STUNNING.