I was SO excited to meet Maddy when she booked her spring senior session at The Children’s Lake in Boiling Springs, PA! That location is one of my favorite places to shoot and what’s even better is that it’s special to Maddy.
Along for the session was Maddy’s mom, Lauren and her dear friend, Haley. I loved spending my evening with all three ladies; it was so much fun!
Thank you for such a wonderful session, Maddy! I am SO excited for you to enter your senior year of high school and for your awesome future. Congrats on this special time of your life!
If you’re heading into your senior year of high school (Class of 2023), then I’d love to chat with you! I am currently booking sessions for this spring and summer for high school seniors. I serve all of Pennsylvania and am open to traveling, so if you’re out of state, I still want to hear from you. Give me a call at (717) 422-6857 or email me at hello@soulfocusmedia.com to book your session. I can’t wait to hear from you!